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A new, easy way
to engage people
with the Gospel!

Host a fun
Movie Event!

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We provide free movies in a variety of languages with step-by-step, easy-to-use resources to help you creatively engage people in effective gospel conversations.

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Watch a movie with people in the culture where you serve and lead a meaningful discussion afterwards!
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Looking for an effective way to do ministry during isolated times?

Host a virtual Watch Party!

Virtual WP

Watching movies with others is fun…
especially when you can share about Jesus!

Movies soften people's hearts. They cause people to lower their guard so that they can immerse themselves in the story. Now imagine being able to reach people with the gospel who don’t seem to have an interest in Jesus. Is it possible to save the lost with something as simple as a movie? Absolutely! We believe movies provide an easy door-opener into spiritual conversations.

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Two award-winning movies, The Kingdom & The Traveler,

are specifically designed to share with spiritual seekers.

The Kingdom is based on the prodigal son story from Luke 15.

The Traveler is based on the Beatitudes from Matthew 5.

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The Kingdom is available in 18 languages

The Traveler is available in 13 languages.

After watching one of these movies with your friends, you can engage in meaningful discussions that naturally bridge into great gospel conversations using the Movie Event Evangelism Guide that we’ve provided below. It’s so easy! These movies make great conversation starters for sharing about God’s love and His forgiveness with your friends. In fact, we’ve discovered that people are often more willing to have conversations about deeper life issues after viewing one of these films. 

Sounds like fun? It is… and we’ll show you how!

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"The Kingdom is an iconic

old story told in such a

modern and beautiful way."

— Christian Life International Film Festival

Movie Links

Check out the Movie Websites!

We're excited to share with you the websites for these movies, where you have free access to the movies in multiple languages, along with movie trailers, discussion guides, posters, and flyers to help you promote your Movie Event gathering or your virtual Watch Party.

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The Kingdom movie is based on the Prodigal Son story, yet it is told in a non-overtly Christian way. Filmed in the lush vineyards of Kosovo, this heartwarming story offers a shining example of the father’s steadfast love that restores trust and instills hope while modeling the power of forgiveness and reconciliation. It’s designed for unbelievers to watch the movie with you and then talk together about the movie themes using the discussion questions, easily leading into a gospel conversation.

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Winner of 18 Film Festival Awards

The Traveler movie, based on the Beatitudes, was produced in partnership with the government of Tajikistan, using local people as actors. This is the first media ever created in their language. Since their alphabet was recently developed, the movie is being used as a literacy tool, teaching them how to read their language through the subtitles while using Biblical themes. Yet this timeless story will speak to the hearts of many around the world who are longing for reconciliation and forgiveness.

Click on the posters above to go to the movie websites and see the full list of available languages, as well as other movie event resources!

The Kingdom movie filmed in Kosovo, Albania and Montenegro is in 18 languages.

 The Traveler  movie filmed in mountains of Tajikistan is available in 13 languages.

More language versions are coming soon!

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Want to know how to host a successful Movie Event?

An important key to success in hosting a Movie Event is mustering the courage to invite people. That’s where the rubber meets the road. Inviting the people with whom you’re building relationships and encouraging them to attend makes it all worthwhile... even if it's just one person. To make it easier, we offer helpful suggestions on how and when to invite people in the Evangelism Guides below.

Hosting Tips
EV Guides

Movie Event Evangelism Guides for The Kingdom and The Traveler!

The Movie Event Evangelism Guides are loaded with useful resources to help you host an engaging Movie Event and successfully lead meaningful conversations afterwards:

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There are two guides for each movie to help you successfully host an in-person Movie Event Gathering or an online Virtual Watch Party!

Click on the buttons below to download:

Movie Event Gathering Guides

The Kingdom EG MEG Button_13.png
The Traveler EG MEG Button_3.png

Virtual Watch Party Guides

The Kingdom EG VWP Button_13.png
The Traveler EG VWP Button_2.png

Now in Spanish!

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It All Begins With Prayer!


Prayer is such an important part of all that we do in serving God! So we've created a Prayer Guide to help you as you prepare for your Movie Gathering or your virtual Watch Party, invite your friends, and engage in a meaningful movie discussion afterwards. Find these prayer ideas in the Movie Evangelism Guides.


Tell us your stories!

Have a great Movie Gathering or Watch Party! We can't wait to hear about the success that you have with these films. Please write and tell us how it went. Feel free to also contact us if you have any questions. We truly hope these movies will help you build relationships in the community where you serve and help you see lives changed for God’s glory.

Thanks for submitting!

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© 2021, 2022 Cinema Outreach

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